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Express Pet Delivery

At Expresspetdelivery our sole focus and expertise is providing the safest and most comfortable pet travel. Our team of pet loving experts includes Pet Travel Consultants, Resident Vets and Pet Handlers, and we have been safely and comfortably transporting pets for over 30 years. Your Expresspetdelivery Pet Travel Consultant will step you through the whole process and answer any questions or concerns you have. Remember that pets are great at detecting changes in our moods, so the best thing you can do in the lead up to travel is remain calm and positive. Before you know it, you’ll be happily reunited with your fur-baby!

Yes, if you are using your own travel crate you need to check it is airline compliant. If your pet is travelling in a Uspetdelivery travel crate you can be assured it is airline compliant and sized up perfectly for the comfort and safety of your pet.

We recommend putting a blanket into your pet’s travel crate to help comfort your pet, but please be aware that if your pet messes their travel crate this will be removed. For your pet’s safety, the airlines do not allow any bulky bedding or hard objects in the travel crate.

Sedating your pet can be harmful to them during the flight. It can lower their blood pressure and cause dehydration. Our Resident Vets recommend Adaptil collars for dogs and Feliway products for cats as an alternative way to make pets feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during travel. A Expresspetdelivery Pet Travel Consultant can arrange this for you.

We do not recommend feeding your pet within 8 hours of their flight as it may cause travel sickness. We will ensure they have plenty of water up until and during the flight.

We have very stringent policies in place to ensure the ultimate welfare of these high-risk breeds. We have our internal assessment process in place that evaluates the risk of each animal to determine if they are eligible to fly with Expresspetdelivery.